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Corrigendum-Nabavka usluga servisiranja i rezervnih dijelova za laboratorijsku i medicinsku opremu


JU Institute of Health and Food Safety Zenica is procuring repair and maintenance services for medical and precision equipment. This procurement also includes the supply of spare parts necessary for t** ****** *** ****** ** *** ************** ********** *** ***** ***** ******** ***** ** ********** ******* ************* *** ****** ***** ***** *** ******** ** ***** *** ***** *** **** ******* **** * ******** ****** ********* *** ********** *************** ******* ********** *** **** ******* **** ** *********** ************* ** ************ *** ********* ********* ****** *** *********** ***************** ***** ****** *********** ******** * ********* ********* ********** ******** * ******** ** ****** *** *** * ******** ** *** **** **** ********* *********** *** ***** ***** ** *** ******* ********* ********* ** ****** ** ********** ***** ***** ********** ********* **** **** ********* ***** **** ********* ********** ********* ******** ******** ****** *** ****** *** **
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50400000 - Repair and maintenance services of medical and precision equipment
Place of origin:
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Places of performance:
Bosnia and Herzegovina

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